Capstone Prep Education Center | 6. What kind of test preparation does Capstone provide?
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6. What kind of test preparation does Capstone provide?

04 Sep 6. What kind of test preparation does Capstone provide?

We offer a range of test prep services, including Early Test Prep (G7-G9), SSAT Bootcamp (G7-G9), ACT/SAT Bootcamp (G9-G11). In addition to comprehensive group classes, we also offer private lessons on a one-to-one basis for AP and IB exams, UKiset, SCAT, 11+, 13+, and other standardized tests.


Capstone guarantees a personalized approach to teaching test prep, adjusting our curriculum based on each student’s strengths and weaknesses. We work with only a handful of test prep clients annually, but in almost all cases, our students consistently achieve either high marks (for example, typical scores on the ACT are 34 to 36 for most of our clients), or have outsized gains between their diagnostic and final scores.