Capstone Prep Education Center | Our Results
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Our Results

OUR 2022-2023 RESULTS

In a year when top universities accepted a record low number of students, Capstone’s Class of 2023 college application students achieved fantastic results. Despite the very small number of clients we serve, our personalized approach allowed us to maintain our long-running streak of top-tier acceptances, as our students gained admission to illustrious universities like Princeton and Yale, to name a few. Our students’ success was particularly impressive in light of the fact that universities outside the Top 20 reported single-digit acceptance rates for the first time, making the race to the top more competitive than ever. For example, New York University and the University of Southern California accepted 8% and 9.9% of their applicants, respectively. And this trend of ultra-low acceptance rates shows no sign of reversing any time soon.


(Offers updated as of May 2023)
*This is a partial list for ~20 clients (2022-2023)

US National Universities

Princeton University 1
Yale University 2
Brown University 1
Dartmouth College 1
Cornell University 3
Georgetown University 2
Duke University 1
The University of Chicago 1
Northwestern University 2
Johns Hopkins University 1
University of Califonia – Los Angeles 6
University of California – Berkeley 1
New York University 3
University of Southern California 1
Carnegie Mellon University 2
University of Michigan 1
Tufts University 2

UK National Universities

University of Oxford 1
Imperial College London 1
London School of Economics and Political Science 1
University College London 1
King’s College London 1

For questions and inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.